Finding solutions for Canada...and the planet
The Montreal Economic Institute has published a great new report on the state of Canada’s energy industry.
The Montreal Economic Institute has published a great new report on the state of Canada’s energy industry.
Entitled Canada's Oil and Gas Sector at Risk? How Excessive Taxes and Regulations Undermine Our Competitiveness, the report by Germain Belzile finds that over-regulation and excessive taxation have made it harder for Canadian energy producers to compete internationally.
This isn’t good news for Canada, or for the planet.
Canada is the best in the world at responsibly harvesting and transporting the energy we need. That’s why policies discouraging Canadian production don’t help the planet. When Canada produces less energy, the void is filled by other countries with less stringent environmental protections. Emissions aren’t reduced – they're just transferred into other jurisdictions.
It’s by exporting our energy across the globe – and displacing less efficient energy sources – that Canada can help reduce global emissions. By creating favourable conditions for Canadian producers to harvest and export Canadian energy, we can continue to do our part to help the planet.
The World needs more Canada, not less.
You can read the full study here.